Monday, November 29, 2010

Eley Kishimoto..

a little old now but i just love theses prints and colours...especially the onesie. I always say you have funsie in a onesie!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

may i introduce...

Miss Shady Wednesday. Shane and Sophie's gorgie new pup-pup. Makes me say: lookatthelittlefaaaaaaccccccceee!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

when pong goes wrong.

This is very serial. work place injury. Young JBHIFI (aka Jamie Browne raddest man in the whole damn town) was playing workplace ping pong with bro. (dirty thieving little Maori you read about a few weeks ago)...bro was the (probs cheating) winner...poor JB got branded with the ball. Needs to go in the incident book. Cheaky little Maori must die a death of pong.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

one tart eyes off dumpring, one tart scared of greens.

found this little beauty whilst looking through my photos...Shanghai a few months ago. Love the way on one plate there is cuzzy tarts, prawn dumpring, broccoli and a petal. Ain't no thing.

p.s, Campa - if you happen to see this I'd say thats a pair of custard tart faces right there!

Monday, November 15, 2010

i thought you died alone, a long long time ago

would like to go to this...if you happen to be in NYC have a gizz.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

mitchell rd. auction house

went to the auction house yesterday in the hopes of buying bro something ridiculous for his birthday (I ended up getting him something ah may zing, can't tell yet though cause his birthday is not till saturday..TBA) If you live in sydders you have to go check it out..bikes, surfboards, furniture, record players, vases, clothes, jewellery blah blah blaaah..the stuff downstairs is for auction and you can leave a silent bid so you don't have to be there on the auction day. Upstairs is all the 'buy it now' stuff, this is my fave part. its wonderland up there. it takes me ages to get through it all and i always leave with something weird. I got a hand painted long skirt from the 70's yesterday. I'm pretty sure it was janis Joplin's. Chairs janis.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Luxirare is my fave food scientist. Look how she adds irony to the faithful fries with a sprinkle of truffles. F you and your angus Mc Ronald, this is "a little bit fancy".

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

dirty black summer

morphic distortions

Artist Tanya Linney's Morphic Distortions runs from 27 October – 7 November at Global Gallery, 5 Combre St Paddington NSW.

Monday, November 1, 2010

my oh my wollombi

went to sophies farm for halloween a party saturday night...was an amazing night; shit got weird. there was a search for the magic tree, spider eating, dancing/sleeping on car roofs, fire jumping and general brain melting..Thanks for having me, I'm pretty sure I was there. I'm in the photos I guess.